Episode 95

Mark Nelson on The Legacy of Biosphere 2 (Part 2)

How can we leverage technology to create feedback loops that enable individuals to make more ethical decisions and experience the consequences of their actions on a global scale?

Timestamp: 20.05 to 21.81 mins

Episode 133

Brian Swimme on Telling A New Story of Our Universe

What does the concept of the universe's self-organizing dynamics and the emergence of distinct eras suggest about the nature of cosmic intelligence?

Timestamp: 20.85 to 24.22 mins

Episode 168

Mikey Lion & Malena Grosz on Festival Time, Life-Changing Trips, and Community in COVID

How can we reconcile the potential for both positive and negative experiences during altered states of consciousness, and what implications does this have for our understanding of reality?

Timestamp: 54.50 to 57.56 mins

Episode 172

Tyson Yunkaporta on Indigenous Systems Thinking, Fractal Governance, Ontopunk, and Queering W.E.I.R.D. Modernity

How does the act of speaking back to an oppressive system inherently place one within that very system, and is there a way to truly speak from outside of it?

Timestamp: 25.91 to 27.75 mins

Episode 120

Ramin Nazer on Cave Paintings for Future People

To what extent can a child's future personality traits and interests be predicted based on their behavior and preferences as an infant?

Timestamp: 7.38 to 8.32 mins

Episode 126

Phil Ford & JF Martel on Weird Studies & Plural Realities

What is the fundamental contradiction that academia is founded upon, and how does it relate to the concepts of originality and peer review?

Timestamp: 63.87 to 66.88 mins

Episode 74

Terry Patten (A New Republic of the Heart)

In the age of social media, how can we foster deeper, more meaningful connections and conversations online?

Timestamp: 35.48 to 38.70 mins

Episode 201

KMO & Kevin Wohlmut on our Blue Collar Black Mirror: Star Trek, Star Wars, Blade Runner, Jurassic Park, Adventure Time, ChatGPT, & More

How can interacting with chatbots and AI systems help individuals process traumatic experiences and emotions in a healthy manner?

Timestamp: 76.01 to 78.57 mins

Episode 83

Michael Strong on The Future of Education

In a world of rapidly changing norms and the chaos of modernity, how can individuals develop a strong sense of identity and agency to navigate through life effectively?

Timestamp: 20.24 to 22.25 mins

Episode 159

Michael Dowd on Post Doom: Life After Accepting Climate Catastrophe

Is it possible for humanity to develop technologies that integrate with the wisdom of nature and become a sustainable part of the biosphere?

Timestamp: 38.30 to 40.83 mins

Episode 72

Ira Pastor (Nervous Tissue Reanimation & The Future of Curative Biotech)

What is the philosophical significance of studying the potential of ooplasm in the context of global reprogramming and reset?

Timestamp: 14.34 to 17.33 mins

Episode 91

An Oral History of The End of "Reality"

How has the advent of advanced simulation technology and its ubiquity in daily life affected the human psyche and our perception of reality?

Timestamp: 28.21 to 30.92 mins

Episode 113

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens on Exostudies: Philosophical Explorations of the UFO Phenomenon

What are the implications of quantum computing and multidimensional thinking on our understanding of consciousness and the nature of reality?

Timestamp: 31.13 to 33.46 mins

Episode 85

Charles Eisenstein on Living in the Space Between Stories

How can allowing ourselves to fully feel grief and pain lead to personal growth and expanded awareness?

Timestamp: 53.45 to 56.00 mins

Episode 202

Caveat Magister on Psychomagic, Amusement Parks, & Turning Your Life Into Art

How does one's experience at a transformative event like Burning Man shape their perception of belonging and community in a new city?

Timestamp: 15.09 to 17.66 mins

Episode 22

Simon Yugler (Travel Alchemy & Initiation)

What role does language play in fostering meaningful connections and understanding across cultures?

Timestamp: 24.57 to 27.28 mins

Episode 56

Sophia Rokhlin (Anarchy, Ecology, Economy, and Shamanism)

What are the ethical implications of the widespread deforestation and replacement of diverse ecosystems with monoculture plantations, such as palm oil plantations, in the context of the Anthropocene?

Timestamp: 13.13 to 14.26 mins

Episode 47

Eliot Peper (The Weird Turn Pro: Sci-Fi & Scenario Planning)

How can fiction provide unique insights into the potential consequences and implications of emerging technologies that may be overlooked in analytical discussions?

Timestamp: 6.87 to 9.93 mins

Episode 82

Lydia Violet on Community, Ecology, and Music as Medicine

Could the concept of bodhichitta, as an impulse to alleviate suffering, be extended beyond human interactions to encompass the interconnectedness of all living beings within an ecosystem?

Timestamp: 30.68 to 33.77 mins

Episode 190

Lauren Seyler on Dark Microbiology & Right Relations in Science

How does the concept of the Anthropocene challenge our understanding of the distinction between human-driven and natural processes in the history of Earth's biosphere?

Timestamp: 41.25 to 43.70 mins

Episode 191

Roland Harwood on Learning To Be Liminal

How does the pursuit of extraordinary goals, such as becoming an astronaut, shape an individual's sense of identity and personal growth, even if the ultimate goal is not achieved?

Timestamp: 7.90 to 9.32 mins

Episode 36

Meow-Ludo Meow Meow (Part 2 - Modern Art & Surviving The Singularity)

How does the concept of a 'semiotic gap' relate to the appreciation and interpretation of modern art, particularly in the context of works like Damien Hirst's sectioned shark?

Timestamp: 22.06 to 23.38 mins

Episode 146

Raising Earth Consciousness with Ralph Metzner, Dennis McKenna, Gay Dillingham, Valerie Plame Wilson, Allan Badiner, and Michael Garfield at Synergia Ranch, April 2016

How can we effectively support important social justice work being done in the present moment?

Timestamp: 3.52 to 6.66 mins

Episode 86

Onyx Ashanti on Surfing Exponential Change (Part 1)

How can we effectively convey the exponentially increasing complexity of the world in our storytelling without overwhelming the audience?

Timestamp: 33.77 to 36.91 mins

Episode 42

William Irwin Thompson, Part 1 (Thinking Together at the Edge of History)

What are the potential societal implications of cryptocurrencies and universal basic income becoming more prevalent in our modern world?

Timestamp: 49.25 to 51.85 mins

Episode 89

Joanna Harcourt-Smith, José Soler, and Jacob Aman on Breakdowns & Breakthroughs

What are the potential implications of a more cautious, feminine approach to psychotherapy and the use of psychedelics for mental health treatment?

Timestamp: 62.34 to 63.90 mins

Episode 160

His Dark Materials: Narnia, Fillory, and Coming of Age in the Multiverse, with Stephen Hershey & Kynthia Brunette

How do our preconceived notions and biases influence the way we interpret and understand the world around us?

Timestamp: 64.32 to 66.82 mins

Episode 22

Simon Yugler (Travel Alchemy & Initiation)

What role does initiation play in the development of young adults and their journey towards self-discovery?

Timestamp: 6.13 to 7.99 mins

Episode 205

Greg Thomas & Stephanie Lepp on Jazz Leadership & Antagonistic Cooperation

How can we leverage cultural intelligence to transcend the divisive construct of race and embrace a more unified and enlightened perspective of humanity?

Timestamp: 82.51 to 85.50 mins

Episode 199

The Great Decoherence of Android Jones

How does one's perception of personal growth and transformation influence their overall sense of well-being and gratitude?

Timestamp: 3.33 to 4.83 mins

Episode 207

Tech & Community LIVE at Junkyard Social Club with Evan Snyder, Ryan Madson, Roger Toennis, Aaron Gabriel, & Juicy Life

How can we navigate the balance between embracing the potential benefits of artificial intelligence while remaining cautious about its risks and implications?

Timestamp: 15.74 to 18.31 mins

Episode 100

The Teafaerie on DMT, Transhumanism, and What To Do with All of God's Attention

What are the potential societal implications of a future where only the wealthy elite have access to life-extending technologies and mind uploading?

Timestamp: 8.48 to 9.83 mins

Episode 131

Jessica Nielson & Link Swanson on Psychedelic Science & Too Much Novelty

How does stress influence the creative process and the generation of novel ideas, both in biological systems and in human society?

Timestamp: 26.79 to 28.90 mins

Episode 216

Jingmai O'Connor on Dead Birds & Living Paleontologists

In the evolution of complex organisms, which tends to precede the other: changes in soft tissues or changes in skeletal structures?

Timestamp: 80.27 to 82.96 mins

Episode 182

Siv Watkins on Microanimism: Living with The Smalls

How does the concept of animism relate to the idea of a broader sense of identity that encompasses kinship with the microscopic, vegetal, and mineral realms?

Timestamp: 64.66 to 67.84 mins

Episode 156

Stuart Davis on Zen, Aliens, and Psychedelics

What implications do the varying attitudes of extraterrestrial beings towards human potential have on our understanding of the nature and value of consciousness?

Timestamp: 95.15 to 98.07 mins

Episode 175

C. Thi Nguyen on The Seductions of Clarity, Weaponized Games, and Agency as Art

What are the potential downsides of excessive transparency in institutions, particularly when it comes to decision-making by experts?

Timestamp: 62.13 to 65.04 mins

Episode 186

A Manifesto for Weird Science

Is it possible that phenomena like telepathy and telekinesis, which have been dismissed by modern science, could actually exist and be studied using rigorous scientific methods?

Timestamp: 49.86 to 53.14 mins

Episode 196

Robert Poynton on Improvisation As A Way of Life

How can the concept of improvisation be applied to achieve a sense of flow and ease in creative work and life?

Timestamp: 21.44 to 24.05 mins

Episode 116

The Next Ten Billion Years: Ugo Bardi & John Michael Greer as read by Kevin Arthur Wohlmut

What role does symbiosis play in the emergence of new forms of intelligence and the evolution of life on Earth?

Timestamp: 78.16 to 81.46 mins

Episode 81

Arthur Brock of Holochain on Rethinking Currency & The Future of Distributed Systems

What are the consequences of humanity's current patterns of resource consumption and economic growth on the planet and our future?

Timestamp: 52.18 to 55.22 mins

Episode 39

Hunter Maats (The Future of Education & Knowledge Transmission)

How can educational institutions adapt to the overwhelming influx of information and knowledge from diverse sources in the modern age?

Timestamp: 0.34 to 3.46 mins

Episode 42

William Irwin Thompson, Part 1 (Thinking Together at the Edge of History)

In an increasingly automated world, what role does money play in the pursuit of creative and cultural endeavors?

Timestamp: 51.85 to 54.95 mins

Episode 193

Kimberly Dill on Environmental Philosophy: In Defense of Wildness & Night

Is it possible to reconcile the seemingly contradictory ideas of determinism and free will?

Timestamp: 20.71 to 23.53 mins

Episode 163

Bitcoin & Fungal Economies with Toby Kiers & Brandon Quittem

How can a decentralized monetary system, such as Bitcoin, prevent unfair advantages and political manipulation that are often seen in traditional centralized financial systems?

Timestamp: 49.54 to 51.67 mins

Episode 23

"Our Psychedelic Future" at the Australian Psychedelic Society

How does the increasing connectivity and collective identity of humans impact our sense of agency and vulnerability in the modern world?

Timestamp: 35.67 to 38.12 mins

Episode 180

Web3 & Complex Systems with Park Bach, Sid Shrivastava, Shirley Bekins, & Avel Guénin-Carlut at Complexity Weekend

How can we understand the interconnectedness and self-regulation of human society through the lens of ecology and biological systems?

Timestamp: 17.30 to 19.63 mins

Episode 35

Meow-Ludo Meow Meow (Part 1 - Polyamory, Cryptocurrency, & Nukes)

In your view, how might blockchain technology be applied to create more equitable outcomes in divorce proceedings and marital dissolutions?

Timestamp: 12.76 to 14.67 mins

Episode 104

The Hypermoderns Talk Snow Crash, Language, Mind, & Video Game Metaphysics

How can ancient myths and archetypes be effectively incorporated into stories about ordinary people living in modern times?

Timestamp: 42.05 to 43.41 mins

Episode 145

Weaving A New Prehistory to Rewild The Future - Michael Garfield at Earth Frequency Festival 2017

How does the tension between the technocratic mission for control and the spiritual pursuit of aligning with something greater shape the discourse around transhumanism?

Timestamp: 85.80 to 88.79 mins

Episode 101

"Future Fossils 101" with Michelle Shevin & Michaelangelo

What role did the advent of the written word play in the development of subjective consciousness?

Timestamp: 55.40 to 58.07 mins

Episode 167

Robert Jacobson on Opening The High Frontier for Business

How can we ensure that the exploration and development of space is guided by positive values and avoids recreating the negative aspects of human society on Earth?

Timestamp: 16.78 to 19.50 mins

Episode 146

Raising Earth Consciousness with Ralph Metzner, Dennis McKenna, Gay Dillingham, Valerie Plame Wilson, Allan Badiner, and Michael Garfield at Synergia Ranch, April 2016

What ethical considerations should scientists and policymakers take into account when developing technologies with the potential for mass destruction, such as nuclear weapons?

Timestamp: 35.69 to 38.51 mins

Episode 135

Michael Phillip on The Cosmic Yes

In what ways can the medium of writing help to develop and refine one's philosophical ideas compared to other forms of discourse?

Timestamp: 7.47 to 9.13 mins

Episode 100

The Teafaerie on DMT, Transhumanism, and What To Do with All of God's Attention

Is it possible that we are currently at a critical juncture in human history, and if we manage to navigate through this challenging period, future generations will look back on our time with immense interest and curiosity?

Timestamp: 96.84 to 98.81 mins

Episode 57

Conner Habib & Mitch Mignano (Occult Biology)

How does the concept of evil evolve over time, and what role do emerging technologies and social movements play in shaping our perception of evil?

Timestamp: 59.29 to 61.95 mins

Episode 68

Charles Shaw (Soul in the Heart of Darkness)

How can a cultural revolution serve as a substitute for a political revolution, and what are the potential consequences of this substitution?

Timestamp: 131.15 to 133.80 mins

Episode 68

Charles Shaw (Soul in the Heart of Darkness)

How can one find meaning and purpose in life despite the inevitability of suffering and the impermanence of existence?

Timestamp: 52.56 to 55.25 mins

Episode 152

Weird Artist Medicine Storytelling Hour with Colin Frangicetto

How can one find a sense of peace and acceptance in the face of the vastness and uncertainty of existence?

Timestamp: 131.03 to 133.20 mins

Episode 48

Lindsay Loftin (Mermaids For Clean Water)

How can we effectively communicate complex scientific ideas to the general public in a way that inspires meaningful change?

Timestamp: 40.26 to 43.30 mins

Episode 194

Simon Conway Morris on Convergent Evolution & Creative Mass Extinctions

What are your thoughts on the potential of the human mind and its relationship with technology in shaping our future?

Timestamp: 95.62 to 97.97 mins

Episode 163

Bitcoin & Fungal Economies with Toby Kiers & Brandon Quittem

How does the concept of ecosystem services challenge our traditional understanding of economic value and the way we measure it?

Timestamp: 14.18 to 15.89 mins

Episode 87

Onyx Ashanti (Part 2) on Open Source P2P Concrescence vs The Realm of Loud Dumb Sh*t

How can we expand our perception of reality beyond the limitations of identity politics?

Timestamp: 33.50 to 36.23 mins

Episode 130

Lydia Laurenson on Identity, Community, and The New Modality

How do we balance the need for open and honest discourse with the potential for harm that can come from anonymous communication platforms?

Timestamp: 41.69 to 44.13 mins

Episode 78

Archan Nair on Radical Nonduality & Living with Enthusiasm

How can one balance the pursuit of personal passions and creative endeavors with the need for financial stability and security?

Timestamp: 4.07 to 6.52 mins

Episode 216

Jingmai O'Connor on Dead Birds & Living Paleontologists

How have different cultures throughout history interpreted the existence of fossils and what they indicate about the Earth's past?

Timestamp: 60.92 to 62.11 mins

Episode 154

Stephanie Lepp on Pro-Social Deepfakes, Post-Normal Science, and The Future of "Reality"

How can the use of deepfake technology for prosocial purposes, such as exploring alternative narratives and fostering accountability, challenge our understanding of truth and reality in the modern age?

Timestamp: 0.13 to 3.69 mins

Episode 99

Erik Davis on How to Navigate High Weirdness

How does the increasing frequency of anomalous events affect human psychology and our ability to adapt?

Timestamp: 35.08 to 37.13 mins

Episode 180

Web3 & Complex Systems with Park Bach, Sid Shrivastava, Shirley Bekins, & Avel Guénin-Carlut at Complexity Weekend

How might the emergence of the Internet as a decentralized information processing system impact the structure and functioning of human societies?

Timestamp: 40.09 to 42.55 mins

Episode 125

Stuart Kauffman on Physics, Life, and The Adjacent Possible

How does von Neumann's concept of a universal constructor relate to the origin of life and the evolution of biological systems?

Timestamp: 56.64 to 59.23 mins

Episode 158

Ramin Nazer & The TeaFaerie: Mid-Singularity Trialogues, Part 1

What are the implications of a society lacking a shared understanding of fundamental aspects of reality, such as the nature of the universe and the origin of life?

Timestamp: 47.81 to 48.99 mins

Episode 42

William Irwin Thompson, Part 1 (Thinking Together at the Edge of History)

How does the concept of 'subtle bodies' relate to the idea of value being generated by charisma in our current economy?

Timestamp: 54.87 to 58.25 mins

Episode 43

William Irwin Thompson, Part 2 (Thinking Together at the Edge of History)

How does the increasing reliance on technology and automation affect our cognitive abilities and sense of self?

Timestamp: 26.95 to 29.83 mins

Episode 194

Simon Conway Morris on Convergent Evolution & Creative Mass Extinctions

What characteristics make an organism well-suited to survive and thrive during periods of mass extinction or ecological collapse?

Timestamp: 67.29 to 69.01 mins

Episode 192

My Cataract: An Initiation 👁✨

How can we reconcile the seemingly irrational and dreamlike nature of our modern, interconnected world with the rational skepticism that has been a hallmark of scientific progress?

Timestamp: 0.12 to 4.04 mins

Episode 55

"Creativity & Catastrophe" (Talk at Palenque Norte, Burning Man 2017)

What is the relationship between technology and the evolution of intelligence in the universe?

Timestamp: 47.62 to 49.26 mins

Episode 30

Becca Tarnas (Archetypal Astrology & Living Through A Revolutionary Age)

What role does imagination play in the way we understand and connect with the world around us?

Timestamp: 47.41 to 48.82 mins

Episode 140

Pandemic Perspectives with Erik Davis, Tony Blake, and Mitch Mignano

In times of crisis, how can we ensure that the ideas we put forth and the actions we take are not merely reactionary, but are instead grounded in a thoughtful and conscientious approach to shaping the future?

Timestamp: 70.04 to 71.27 mins

Episode 67

Douglas Rushkoff & Michael Phillip (Playing For Team Human)

How does the way we perceive our actions in relation to higher forces differ between ancient times and today, and what are the implications of this shift?

Timestamp: 38.54 to 40.25 mins

Episode 165

Kevin Kelly on Time, Memory, Change, and Vanishing Asia

How has the concept of cosmology evolved over time, and what role does it play in shaping our understanding of the world and our place in it?

Timestamp: 21.25 to 24.32 mins

Episode 200

Ehren Cruz & Daphne Krantz on Psychedelics, Addiction, and Transcendence

What are the potential consequences of the widespread availability and use of psychedelics without proper guidance and understanding of their traditional and ceremonial context?

Timestamp: 90.95 to 93.59 mins

Episode 53

A Very Xeno Christmas! with Evan "Skytree" Snyder

In a hypothetical future where human consciousness is embedded within artificial intelligence, how would the concept of individual autonomy and free will be impacted?

Timestamp: 58.31 to 59.34 mins

Episode 134

Anthony Thogmartin on Mind, Music, and Technology

How does the integration of new technology into an established creative process affect the nature and expression of the art being produced?

Timestamp: 69.35 to 71.98 mins

Episode 75

David Krakauer (Thinking Interplanetary with The Santa Fe Institute)

How does the concept of 'hyperobjects' challenge our traditional notions of foreground and background, and what implications does this have for our understanding of the world?

Timestamp: 13.50 to 16.16 mins

Episode 198

Tadaaki Hozumi on Japanese Esotericism, Aliens, Land Spirits, & The Singularity (Part 2)

How might the concept of reality being a dragon's dream relate to the idea of a shared spiritual blueprint across wisdom traditions?

Timestamp: 35.04 to 37.43 mins

Episode 201

KMO & Kevin Wohlmut on our Blue Collar Black Mirror: Star Trek, Star Wars, Blade Runner, Jurassic Park, Adventure Time, ChatGPT, & More

How might the challenges faced by the upcoming generation, such as inheriting a turbulent world and the impact of advanced AI systems, shape their understanding of human agency and their place in the world?

Timestamp: 96.73 to 99.37 mins

Episode 37

Michaelangelo aka Void Denizen (Excavating the Future with "Paisley-ontology")

How can one tap into the 'illuminated unconscious' and find meaning in the seemingly random patterns of nature?

Timestamp: 20.33 to 23.01 mins

Episode 154

Stephanie Lepp on Pro-Social Deepfakes, Post-Normal Science, and The Future of "Reality"

How might the altered states of consciousness induced by sleep deprivation relate to the practices of Tibetan dream yogis in terms of accessing different modes of perception and insight?

Timestamp: 6.76 to 8.78 mins

Episode 98

Decentralization Panel at Arcosanti Convergence with Members of Holochain, NuMundo, Unify, & Reality Sandwich

How has the rise of social media platforms affected the distribution of wealth and the compensation of individuals for their contributions to these platforms?

Timestamp: 64.81 to 66.90 mins

Episode 65

John David Ebert (Hypermodernity & Blade Runner 2049)

How can we understand the relationship between technology, nature, and the resurgence of ancient mythical figures in the modern world?

Timestamp: 11.07 to 12.84 mins

Episode 64

Barry Vacker (Our Destiny in Space & Sci Fi's Failures of Imagination)

What are the potential consequences of imposing religious beliefs on extraterrestrial civilizations, if they were to be discovered?

Timestamp: 49.02 to 50.22 mins

Episode 120

Ramin Nazer on Cave Paintings for Future People

In the context of political campaigns, how important is the role of memes and viral content in shaping public perception and garnering support for a candidate?

Timestamp: 22.40 to 23.43 mins

Episode 52

Blockchain & The Evolution of Consciousness with Michael Phillip & Jennifer Sodini

How do you think the rapid development and adoption of new technologies will shape the future of human society and our understanding of the world?

Timestamp: 39.66 to 41.06 mins

Episode 168

Mikey Lion & Malena Grosz on Festival Time, Life-Changing Trips, and Community in COVID

How can psychedelic experiences influence one's perception of the interconnectedness and sentience of all living things?

Timestamp: 31.68 to 34.95 mins

Episode 218

Neil Theise on Complexity & Nonduality

What is the relationship between a sense of purpose and the experience of burnout, and how can individuals navigate the gap between their ideals and the reality of their work?

Timestamp: 11.11 to 13.01 mins

Episode 31

Mitch Altman (Hacking Life For Fun & Profit)

In what ways can governments facilitate the formation and flourishing of unique communities while minimizing interference in people's lives?

Timestamp: 62.61 to 65.85 mins

Episode 169

Leidy Klotz on Design, Behavior, and When to Subtract

How might our evolutionary history and cognitive biases influence our tendency to add complexity rather than subtract, and what implications does this have for addressing the challenges of the Anthropocene?

Timestamp: 14.91 to 16.81 mins

Episode 210

Mitch Schultz & Shanta Stevens on Documenting The Next Psychedelic Revolution

In what ways can altered states of consciousness provide valuable insights into the human experience?

Timestamp: 42.46 to 44.80 mins

Episode 53

A Very Xeno Christmas! with Evan "Skytree" Snyder

What are the potential dangers of artificial intelligence that are causing concern among tech leaders and futurists?

Timestamp: 47.22 to 48.34 mins

Episode 71

JF Martel (On Sequels & Simulacra, Blade Runner 2049 & Stranger Things 2)

What are your thoughts on the concept of living each day as if it's your last and how it relates to the idea of eternal return?

Timestamp: 36.99 to 38.36 mins